
Monday, May 20, 2013

Did you know, you can hold up to 13 pounds of waste inside you? Gross right! Bet your wondering how to get rid of it without those harsh products that make you want to call out to work and take up residency in the restroom... Here is the answer: Bio Cleanse. A gentle detoxification to get your system cleaned out and working right! 

As a result of the modern lifestyle, most of our bodies are burdened with toxic waste and sluggish metabolisms. A specially formulated Magnesium Oxide compound with Oxygen Enhancement and Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids, Plexus Bio Cleanse can help do the following:

Bio Cleanse

  • Oxygenates the entire body
  • Detoxifies and cleanses the gastro-intestinal tract and arteries
  • Energizes both physically and mentally
  • Neutralizes acidic conditions that may promote pathogens
  • Enhances weight loss
  • Supports collagen production
  • Relieves constipation

Let's get those "bathroom problems" solved and get your bowels working like they should!

Always keeping you in mind, 


  1. Hey scarlett, this is Mike from emerald grande security. I stumbled on your picture on G+. I lost your cell# a while back. I wanted to keep in touch with u. If u still have mine just text me ok, peace.
